Women of Color Writers
Podcast & Reviews
Who We Are
As Women of Color, we are often told that our stories don't matter, won't resonate, or aren't smart enough. There is no shortage of excuses society has made to silence us. As writers, Natalie and Karina forged two different paths in the creative writing world, but they both faced many of the same hurdles. Thanks to their hustle, grit, and refusal to take no for an answer, they've been able to navigate and succeed in their respective fields. But what if they had a mentor? What if they had people they could go to for advice? What if they had someone to call and reach out to?
Women of Color Writers Podcast is just that. The mentors we needed with the advice we sought, all in one place so that you can learn from our mistakes and triumphs. With advice, events, and some of your favorite writers to learn from, our podcast is focused on getting information to help you succeed and bring your story to the masses, because your story matters!
Help us continue to provide educational programming through the Authentic Voices Fellowship co-sponsored with Women's National Book Association.
Meet Your Hosts...
What lit that flame?

Natalie Obando-Desai
Head BIC
"You shouldn't wear your hair in a bun, it makes you look too Mexican and not smart."
That was the advice of an author client who offfered to help propel my career in the publishing world by making me look more, well, white. Since then I've dominated meetings and speaking engagements with my Mexi Bun and as a proud Brown woman. I've helped women in the literary world but always noticed the lack of women of color telling their stories and a lack resources for women of color trying to get their stories out.

Karina Luna
Bad Ass Hustler with a Purpose
First-generation, Mexican-American talent, Karina Luna, is creating a buzz in her native Los Angeles. Over the years she has acquired a strong background in acting, singing, dancing and standup comedy. In her most recent theater performance, she had the honor of being directed by Josefina Lopez (writer of “Real Women Have Curves”) on a piece written for her All Latina theater Festival entitled, “Cholas, Chicanas Y Chisme.”

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